Meet Our Team

Marta Blum

Marta Blum, MSW

Is a recent breast cancer survivor and mother of one.  After losing her own mother to cancer at the early age of 18, she decided to get extensive genetic testing. Soon after, Marta tested positive for BRACA 1 and was recommended early to have a mastectomy and partial hysterectomy. However, she elected to start her family before pursuing the prescribed course of action. In February 2010, following a marriage to Shahpoor and the birth of her child Ella, Marta was diagnosed with breast cancer and took immediate action to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction and a partial hysterectomy. Additionally and unexpectedly, she was prescribed chemotherapy. All along Marta proved to manage her same daily routine both at work and at home caring for her toddler and two stepchildren.

Nine months later, it still comes as a surprise to many that despite the fact that she had gone through such physically rigorous cancer interventions, she managed to maintain her physical appearance and spirit proving to be an inspiration to many in similar circumstances.

Because of a void in groups geared specifically at women with children undergoing cancer treatment and through a diverse network of friends, medical professionals, and support groups, Marta established a support group for woman like her who can offer hope and strength at a very difficult time.

Marta has a Master’s Degrees in Social Work, and Administration, as well as a Bachelors Degree in Child Development.

Nancy Flores, RN, BSN, OCN

Nancy Flores, RN, BSN, OCN

Has worked for the past 13 years in nursing and the last five years in the Outpatient Oncology department at UCLA. Nancy is in constant pursuit of additional medical education to stay abreast on advancing technologies developed to treat cancer. She is continuously learning how to manage and improve the symptoms arising from the side effects of chemotherapy. Nancy is rewarded everyday through the quality of care that she delivers, along with the wonderful personal relationships that she establishes on daily basis. We are grateful to have Nancy on our team.

Anastasia Alton

Anastasia Alton

Anastasia Alton is one of the founding members of, She and Marta met at a playgroup their toddler daughters attended. They first noticed each other because they both had similar hairstyles (created by cancer!) and soon learned that they had more in common than motherhood to small girls. When Marta invited Anastasia to become part of the group, she quickly accepted and Anastasia’s mother offered to come and help provide the childcare. Anastasia is a 5+ year survivor of Stage IIIC breast cancer and the new group saw her through recovery from lumpectomy with full axillary node dissection, 16 rounds of chemo, six weeks of radiation therapy and now the 10-year plan for Tamoxifen. Anastasia’s & Marta’s daughters are fast friends to this day.

Special Update: Marta Goes for Round II

Special Update: Marta Goes for Round II

Marta will now be a Two Time Champion… Marta had a recurrence of Breast Cancer in July 2014. She will be undergoing chemo…Again… Also, she will be going for a lumpectomy and radiation. 🙁 Keep good thoughts and come back to the website for an update as she...

Marta Speaks from the Heart

MARTA BLUM WAS INTERVIEWED BY  PROVIDENCE SAINT JOSEPH FOUNDATION regarding her upcoming participation in the EIF Revlon Run/Walk for Women, which raises funds for women's cancer research, treatment, counseling and outreach programs. Watch the video and learn why...

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