About Us

This Free Support Group, Located in the San Fernando Valley:
is open to women who not only face the challenges of parenting, but do so during and following treatment for cancer. This is a great way to learn current, credible information and tips on coping with the day-to-day difficulties for women under these circumstances. We offer support both online through our website, as well as through regular meetings. This group meets every second Saturday of the month. It is open to both working and non-working women. Children are welcome. Please contact Marta Blum at (818) 326-0675 for more information or email marta@mommyswithcancer.org.

The group meets the 2nd Saturday of every month in a private home in Northridge.


Mission Statement:

Our goal is to provide ongoing support and resources to Mommy’s with Cancer. We provide a safe stage for on-going communication and support for mothers who not only face the daily challenges of parenting, but who do so before, during and following the treatment of cancer.


Vision Statement:

Mommy’s with cancer want to help as many women regain their sense of self and feel great! We want them to feel beautiful and not let cancer get them down.



Our goal is to obtain financial support through donations in order to give mini-grants to mommy’s with cancer. We will help fund mommy’s who need the following resources:

  • Support for improving your look to make you feel GREAT

– Beauty products for hair growth, hair color, hair cuts

– Wigs

– Mastectomy products

– Scarves/Hats

– Latisse

– Manicures

  • Counseling
  • Babysitting
  • Transportation
  • Meal Delivery
  • Books/Toys
  • Date Night